Friends of IIASA, a 501(c)3 organization, can receive contributions from U.S. taxpayers who wish to support education and research activities at IIASA.
Online Donations
Please select a category below to which your donation should be applied, and you will be redirected to the Friends of IIASA PayPal site.
On this site, there is also an option to pay directly with a credit card.
- Donate to the Roger Levien IIASA-RAND YSSP Fellowship
- Donate to the Peter E. de Jánosi Fellowship Program
- Donate to the Howard Raiffa Center Initiative
- Donate to the YSSP Fund to support the Young Scientists Summer Program
Mail Donations
Checks may be made payable to the Friends of IIASA. Please indicate on the MEMO line which fund you would like to support.
Please send to: Friends of IIASA
c/o Margaret Goud Collins
Executive Director / Treasurer
29 Loop Road
Falmouth, MA 02540
Friends of IIASA on Amazon
Choose Friends of IIASA as your selected charity on Amazon Smile and 0.5% of every dollar you spend will be donated to support innovative research at IIASA, at no cost to you!
Contact Friends of IIASA
The Friends of IIASA Form 990 is available upon request to the treasurer of the Friends of IIASA Board of Directors.
For more information please visit Friends of IIASA Donate.